Hey Guys!!!

I believe in being well rounded, being big and strong, yet flexible, explosive, agile, and able to easily complete a simple 5k. And everything in my blog will reflect this mentality and help you achieve the optimal body capable of anything and everything. I have my dad who has a masters degree education of Kinesiology to back up my work :) not just some teenager giving workout tips xP I don't claim to be a bodybuilder, i just love working out, exercising, and anything involved with physical activity :D I just want to share my knowledge of physical performance in hope that it helps you :D leave any comments or questions about any subject you'd like me to research, discuss or address :) exercising should be fun, and I would love to make it that way :D so if you want some helpful hints and tips to get the most out of every workout, this is the place for you :D There is no substitution for hard work, but i can help you get the most out of it :)



Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tired of the Treadmill?

Now of course, the only way to lose that fat and get that 6 pack is to burn more calories than you take in. You may think its a boring and tedious process of simply running on the treadmill of hours on the stationary cycle.

But there are several options to have a blast with your friends AND burn as much or even MORE calories than tirelessly running on the treadmill. One of my personal favorites is racquetball!!! :D

Now you dont have to be a professional and diving around the court competitively like this guy to burn a lot of calories.
casual play with a group of friends for simply and hour can burn at least 600 calories. This is arguably much more exciting and enjoyable than running on the treadmill, and more interactive and fun for you and your friends :) once you start getting good, playing higher paced racquetball can burn up to 1000 calories and hour!! :D just another fun alternative to earn that 6-pack youre lookin for x)

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Chest, Back, and Shoulders Workout Video

Important Key Points
A few key points i forget to address in the video, when doing your flies, ensure that your form is comfortable, too far out and you risk injury, too far in and youre not getting a full range of motion and minimizing the effectiveness of the lift. Every lift needs to be comfortable, so experiment and find what feels the best for you.

Gut It Out
However, of course there will be pain and youre going to have to work through it to become bigger and stronger, just be sure its muscle pain and not injury pain, know the difference.

Focus on flexing during lifts
During every single lift, try as hard as you can to focus on contracting the main muscle groups being used, you will feel the muscles working more, and will therefore grow bigger and stronger faster :)

Maximizing results
Grouping chest with back and shoulders is the most effective method of lifting, because you will maximize the effectiveness of each workout when you work with opposites, such as the chest and the back. One group controls a pushing motion, while the other controls pulling. I include the shoulders with chest and back, because they are a main component in chest and back workouts, so its more effective to work them the same day and give them an adequate amount of rest for them to properly heal :)

Have FUN
Just like anything else, have fun with it, when exercising and working out is fun for you, seeing all your progress in size and strength, it gets exciting and you will see results faster and in bigger leaps :) so have fun :D

Dont forget to check out my article on the benefits and differences between eccentric and concentric lifting :D

let me know what you liek and dont like about my workout in the comments :) i appreciate all input, criticism or compliments :) also let me know if my routine works for you :D ENJOY!!! :D

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Increasing strength without gaining weight

In order to increase strength without gaining muscle weight, you need to find an appropriate weight for each exercise to where you can perform 4-6 reps with excellent form.

as i mentioned in a previous post, i would still recommend including an eccentric set as well as a concentric set in order to develop and maximize the results of both your bodies strength and power.

So for all you wrestlers out there, pack on that weight and bust out low reps, youll see major strength gains, but stay in that same weight class, and be able to overpower those who are similar in weight, but cannot compete with you in strength.

try it out and let me know how it works for you :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

New Study Shows Chocolate Milk Boosts Endurance and Muscle Growth

Yes i know, sounds pretty cool xD according to a recent study, drinking low-fat chocolate milk after a workout helps endurance, builds muscle, reduces fat, and seems to improve performance.
Chocolate Milk appears to have an effective combination of carbohydrates and protein to greatly benefit your body's development.
"When recovering from exercise, two things you want to do is replenish sugar stores in the muscle and turn on protein synthesis and stop protein breakdown,"
"The combination of carbohydrate and protein [found in chocolate milk] work synergistically to do those two things," IVY tells WebMD.
i will personally not begin to just drink chocolate milk xD but it sounds pretty effective so if you want to try it out and let me know how it goes thatd be great x)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Ab Workout Video

One of my several workouts for abdominal muscles. If you do use weights, be sure to maintain correct form, form is the basis for maximizing your results from these exercises.

On each exercise, focus on the area youre working and concentrate on tightening those muscles on each rep.

Crunches- calves parallel, chin up,
Bicycles- shoulder blades up, calves parallel
V Ups- chin to ceiling

follow these guidelines and tips and you will see results in no time :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Workout Plateaus

Everyone will experience multiple plateaus when working out, either you see little to no improvements on size or strength. Remember my article on periodizing? thats exactly what will help you break through that plateau! your body has become adapted to your current workout and is not as challenged as it was before. change up your exercises, reps, grips, sets, anything to get your body working differently than it was before.

Your plateau could also be from overtraining without enough sleep, or undertraining with too much sleep. You have to know what your bodies feeling, and know how intense your workouts are, and assess the amount of sleep you need for your bodies optimal recovery.

Drop sets at the end  of your workout are perfect for pushing your body to the limit and giving it that shock that it needs. at the end of your workout, drop the weight a little and lift until your body can take no more, you should be shaking after the workout. be sure to do this safely and with a spotter tho, the worst thing you can do is push your body to injury, then you have much worse issues than plateaus hindering your growth xP

This article contains another suggestion for a workout to help bust through that plateau :) ENJOY!!!

Spot Reducing- Myth!!

Spot reducing is the myth that something can allow you to burn fat off of a specific area of your body. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!! Dont let those BS advertisers sell you those belts that "eat away your belly fat" its simply impossible. How it works is the most recent fat that came on your body is the first to come off once you start burning calories. therefore, your most recent gain of fat will be the first to disappear.

no patches or any other product promising to shave pounds off of a specific area of your body is a scam and will not work so PLEASE do not waste your money on them.

The sad thing is, there are some scientists who believe spot reducing exists, yet they do not factor in that the level of fat also reduces equally throughout the entire body, they merely measured the targeted area. So, yes, burning more calories than you take in will get rid of that belly, but dont waste your money on ANY creams, patches or belts claiming to remove cellulite, belly fat, or any other specific area. The only way to get rid of that is BURNING MORE CALORIES THAN YOU TAKE IN!
